Life Skills
Curriculum Intent
Life Skills is a specialist curriculum delivered in one lesson per week to all students from Year 7 to 13. Based on a spiral curriculum, themes develop in complexity, depth and topic depending on the age related requirements of our young people. Specialist speakers, external agencies and resource libraries are used to provide an excellent learning experience. Life Skills delivers the PSHE association Framework Strands.
Throughout the course the development and application of understanding is ‘tested’ through questionnaires, discussions and student voice feedback. Scrap books of best work and mind concept maps are used to capture learning. Softer measures of the success of Life Skills include student disposition, relationships, behaviour and engagement. Authentic links are made between learning in Life Skills and other subject areas, for example the understanding of addiction contributing to the effects of smoking studied in Science.
Careers Education is delivered discretely within Life skills and more explicitly through ‘drop down’ sessions. Click here for more detail of the CEIAG provision at STWA.
Our Life Skills curriculum is built on three core themes; Relationships, Health & Wellbeing, and Living in the Wider World. These themes are embedded to ensure the unique character of every child is developed in order to deal with the societal issues that can impact on anyone and everyone.
Within each theme, students will develop the knowledge and understanding of key concepts to enable them to flourish in the real world. Students will be equipped with the language needed to question and debate in order to positively challenge inequality and present an informed viewpoint. Students will be guided to reflect on their position and status in society whilst appreciating others. Misconceptions and stigmas will be challenged through thoughtful discussion. Students will also increase their participation in bringing about positive change within the school and wider community.
Exceptional Work Showcases
Accordion content
contact us
The teaching staff in the Life Skills department, led by Mrs Webster are available to answer any questions you or your child may have.
Mrs Webster -